Nautilus Minerals

Nautilus Minerals Inc. (TSXNUS) is an underwater mining company headquartered in Toronto, Canada.[1] They are commencing copper and platinum group metals mineral production utilizing a newly constructed mining ship in the territorial waters of Papua New Guinea.[2]


  1. ^ "Geoscience BC". November 2010. 
  2. ^ Terrestrial Telerobotic Mining Technology: An Enabler for Extraterrestrial Habitation, Mining and Construction, recorded on 31 October 2010, 52.25, Prof. Greg Baiden, Laurentian University, Talk given at the Space Manufacturing 14 conference, 29-31 October 2010, Space Studies Institute, at 19:30-22:28, accessed 2011-08-28. "mineral production will begin in 2010 ... [via a newly constructed] mining ship [operating in] the territorial waters of Papua New Guinea." —— "Projected to soon produce a major percentage of the world's copper production."(@22:10)